Hey there, thanks for stopping by.
I'm Nikhil Deshmukh, Welcome to my spot on web.
Initially, I intended to be an Automobile designer and completed Bachelors' in Mechanical
Engineering. One thing lead to another, 2
years went by and I was a full fledged web developer without ever planning to become one.
This Fortunate turn of events led me to develop and design functional, creative, detailed, and usability oriented websites as well as full stack applications. I ensure that systems, interfaces, languages and graphics are human friendly, emotive, pleasing, clear and usable with a touch of mellow smoothness. As a part of my freelancing, I have created several website themes, such as: Dashboard, Social networking, Web-hosting, blog etc.
2 years ago, I started working on full stack applications, primarily MEAN. Since then I have been creating fully functional web applications. I have worked on multiple frameworks, some of them are: Angular, Node, bcrypt, jquery etc. Also, I have extensively learned lanuages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT and many more. I have also worked with several CMS(content-management-systems) such as wordpress and drupal.
When I'm not busy programming, I enhance my djing skills, making funky yet harmonius beats, mixing tracks to cheer crowd or playing beautiful symphonies on keyboard.
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